Many kids participate in
sports, whether it’s Little League Baseball, Pee Wee Football or classes
in martial arts or gymnastics at a local recreation center. Many kids
choose to play sports for fun, of course, but sports have many positive
effects on children who participate in them. Younger children typically
have more fun with sports when played in a friendly manner, without too
much competition or pressure to win.
Positive Effects on Physical Health
who participate in physical activities such as sports experience
positive health benefits, including decreased risks of high blood
pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer,
according to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The
President’s Council recommends at least one hour of physical activity
for children daily. According to an article published by the University
of Florida, children who participate in sports are also less likely to
smoke or to use drugs and alcohol than children who don’t participate in
sports. Teenage girls who participate in sports are less likely to
become pregnant than girls who don’t participate in sports.
Positive Effects on Mood and Mental Health
who participate in sports experience positive effects on their mental
health, as well. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins in
the brain, chemicals that boost mood and help prevent and relieve
depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. In fact, the University of
Florida reports that kids who participate in sports are less likely to
develop depression than kids who don’t participate. Physical activity
also relieves anxiety.
Positive Effects on Self-Esteem
University of Florida reports that participation in sports helps
children develop self-esteem and that girls who participate in sports
develop increased confidence and have a healthier body image than girls
who don’t participate in sports. Improved self-esteem and
self-confidence also help improve mood and mental health.
Positive Social Effects
who participate in sports earn better grades in school and develop
better social skills, according to the University of Florida.
Participating in sports provides opportunities for children to develop
friendships, to learn to lose and win gracefully, to practice taking
turns, to take on leadership roles, to learn to follow rules and to
practice managing conflict. The social interaction experienced while
participating in sports also improves mood and mental health. Although
these developments are beneficial to all children, the Special Education
Advisor website points out that they may be even more beneficial to
kids with special needs.
About the Author
Kelly Morris has been making a living as a freelance writer
since 2004. She attended the College of Mount St. Joseph with a major in
social work and minor in women's studies. Her work has appeared in a
number of print publications including "Caregivers Home Companion,"
"Midwifery Today" and "Guide."